It has been a while since I posted any stories other than my makeup looks. It has been a busy month which I find very surprising since I basically have no life. Now that I think about it, my lack of excitement is what is keeping me so occupied. Dexter has been keeping me busy for hours on end, and I don’t mean my son. Netflix is a terrible, wonderful thing and I will win a contest to finish a TV series faster than you. I will bet money.
I know, I know. Everyone has already watched Dexter and I am behind the times but Jeremie and I have finally sat down and put in hours of screen time to complete the task. It takes serious dedication to do so. You have to quit taking care of yourself, you have to neglect all children and pets and hope they can figure things out for themselves in the meantime. I haven’t been blogging because Jeremie gets home from work and we have no time for other activities. Suppers have consisted of casseroles because I consider them “living room food.” This means it is easy to eat. Knives and other fancy utensils aren’t needed so they don’t have to be consumed at the kitchen table.
Netflix controls me. During my binge watching phases, I lose sleep. I have no desire to do anything else. I either get fat or skinny depending on whether I have food in the house that I mindlessly eat while in my hypnotized state, or if I can’t remember the last time I went grocery shopping and Ritz crackers are all I have ate in days. I think a lot of people that are familiar with binge watching like I am, dream about the show when (and if) they bother to sleep at night. Dexter dreams could really mess a person up. Visions of blood and serial killers aren’t the scariest thing I have dreamt lately though. The other night I had a dream that I continued to watch episodes by myself while Jeremie was at work. Ahhhh! Cue music that you hear in horror films and picture Jer and I signing off on divorce papers. Now that is a nightmare.
Jeremie and I can go six months at a time with no visitors. Our family doesn’t live near us (and we can’t manage to make friends when we are holed up in our house) so it is not very often that we must entertain. Oh what do you know?! We start something like 8 seasons of 12 episodes each that are almost an hour long and all of a sudden we have people knocking on our door wanting hospitality. I spend my free time begging my friends and family to come for visits and NOW they decide to come? It’s a blessing in disguise I suppose. My skin isn’t grey when I look in the mirror because company forces me to open my blinds and experience sunlight, but they really are cutting into my Netflix time (which is all the time).
It’s an emotional ride once you get hooked. The odd time I see human life other than my husband and child, I talk to them as if the events that played out in the last 5 episodes are real. I lay in bed at night and ask Jeremie “Can you believe that actually happened? I just can’t get over it!” My son will be scarred for life because he was raised on television shows that involved serial killers (not to mention The Walking Dead seasons I watched before this). Then all at once, it will be over. I will have no idea what to do with myself. It will be a gaping hole that will take weeks to get over just like it did with Breaking Bad, but I know I will be okay. My life is important and I have shit to do like feed my cats and vacuum.
Jeremie and I are racing against the clock to finish a season and a half before we leave for a much needed trip to Arizona, so hopefully I can get my life back soon. I have so many things to blog about that nobody will care to hear, just like this post.