Jeremie and I are mega cat lovers. We moved in together after two weeks of dating, and brought Marlo home from the SPCA shortly after. She was already two years old but I really wanted to save an adult cats life. We went to the store (they swap animals out every week from the SPCA) to look at the cats and ended up putting a two day hold on her so we could go home and discuss if we should actually do this. But instead of discussing it, we immediately went and bought a litter box, food, and a million toys. The next day we went and picked up our new fur baby.
Lupe came home with us two years later. I wanted a friend for Marlo to keep her company. I also wanted to save more cats! Jeremie and I went to the SPCA to take a look. He wanted the kitten experience and once again I wanted to save an adult cat. Lupe was what I like to call a teenager cat. He is still small, but he is no kitten or fully grown. We decided to take this loving affectionate little guy home. I was okay with the fact that I didn’t adopt an adult cat because Lupe was a stray before we found him at the SPCA, so I felt like I was still doing some good.
The other night Jeremie and I were finishing up supper when he turns to me and says “There is a cat at our back door!” Obviously we were both excited. We were also confused. The cat had a collar but I had never seen this cat in our neighbourhood before (and I like to believe I am the crazy lady walking up and down the street petting all the cats and knows every cat on our block). I told Jeremie to let him in and that we should call the number on the tag to make sure this is an outdoor cat and its okay for him to be roaming the streets. When we called the number a man told us his cat had been missing for over ten days! He thought the worst had happened and was coming to terms with never seeing his little buddy again! Ahhhh my heart just aches thinking about losing one of my cats! We gave the man our address to come pick Brian up (yes, that was his cats name) and we let Brian eat all of our cat food because he was starving from being lost for so long.
When the man came to the door, we handed him his cat. Jeremie and I then bombarded him with questions like is he normally an outdoor cat? How old is he? How long have you had him? Where did you get him? Does he have any cat siblings? Whats your favourite colour? The guys seriously just wanted to give a quick “thanks” and be on his way so he could probably go home and pet his cat for the rest of the night. Jeremie and I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that he wasn’t crying tears of joy when he showed up.
I think that it was fate Brian showed up on our doorstep. We didn’t have to think twice to let him in and maybe be too cautious and call the owner just in case this cat was out past his bedtime. If he would have found himself on our neighbours doorstep, he probably would have been shooed away with a broom. The hungry little guy was lucky. It goes without saying, if we couldn’t find Brian’s owner, we would have a third cat. As a child I always had one cat growing up. We weren’t a family that was allowed to bring pets home if we found them. Now that I am grown up, I love that Jeremie and I are both very accepting of welcoming new animals into our home to keep them safe and sheltered (me a little more than Jeremie. He has limits). A friend once found a box of kittens and took them to the SPCA and Jeremie was so thankful I didn’t find that box of kittens because we would have two cats plus however many kittens fit in that box.
Anyway, it warms my heart to take care of these fur balls. A lot of people probably don’t give a shit about my cat story but I wanted to share it. When Brian showed up at our back door, it was the most excitement Jeremie and I had had in weeks and I couldn’t wait to share the excitement with you guys!