Valentines Day was this past weekend and my husband is better than your husband. Jeremie has always been pretty good with gifts but what I received this year is by far the best present I have ever been given.
We have a tradition for Valentines Day that involves a lot of junk food. Our gifts to each other usually consist of snacks because nothing says romance like kissing your lover with Cheeto dust all over your face. Jeremie buys me all of the chocolate in the world because he is scared I will kick him out of the house if I don’t get any. This assumption is backed up by a normal Friday night where I told him to come home with chocolate or don’t come home at all. He goes to the chocolate factory and buys me chocolate covered strawberries every year. I get flowers (never roses because he knows I don’t care for them). My favourite part is the effort he puts into these gifts. He buys me chocolates and candies from the store and takes the time to put all of them into tiny little bags covered in hearts. He doesn’t buy them like that, he is just that adorable!
The main part of my gift this year was a book. It is called What I Love About You and is about ninety pages long. The entire book is personalized. The book asks questions like “I first knew I loved you when…” and “I was proud to know you when…” and “One of my favourite stories about you is…” It even asks questions about our saddest moment together (Early on in my pregnancy with Dexter we thought we were miscarrying, I cried then and I cried reading about how much it affected myself and Jeremie). There are a few pages where Jeremie had to draw pictures of what his insides look like when he sees me, and what his life would look like without me.
For almost two months, Jeremie has secretly been filling out this book. It is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. The effort he put into this blows me away and I am so grateful for it. While reading it, I experienced so many emotions. I cried at the wonderful moments and the sad moments, and I laughed for most of the book. It brings back so many memories of when we first started dating, and it also lets Jeremie’s personality shine. Some of the questions can be pretty stupid but he answered them anyway knowing I would get a laugh. “The next fortune cookie you will get will say: Your husband is hot. Do him.” Also “If you were something found in a kitchen you would be: A fridge, because you’re cool.” Trust me, this book is romantic. The entire thing isn’t just questions about what flavour of soup he thinks I am.
One of my favourite parts about this book is not only getting to read his favourite moments and memories with me, but some of the questions he answered lets me know how I make him feel. For example, one of the questions states “This is a time I didn’t feel loveable but you loved me anyway:” Another one says “You made me feel appreciated when…” Not only do I feel amazing because I get to read a book full of compliments about myself, but also because I make him feel amazing. It truly is the most special feeling to get insight on how I make him feel.
Jeremie and I have always had a very close relationship and this book made our bond even stronger. If any men are reading this, you must buy this for your wives. She will love you even more because of it. You must take the time to fill it out and answer every question because it will mean the world to her. I felt like I had let Jeremie down because he gave me such a wonderful gift and all I had given him was a DVD he wanted, some cheesecake, and a couple of topless pictures, but it turns out men want different things. Apparently topless pictures for a man are the equivalent to a personalized love book for women (so I did good!). Now you know what to get your significant other for Valentines Day next year to make it the best one yet.
A few pictures below of my fabulous day: Dexter’s first Valentines Day, my loot Jeremie got me, and a few pictures from my amazing book. I would love to show you every page but a good chunk of it is very personal and I enjoy having those special moments just between the two of us.