I am reaching the sweet sweet age of 25 this year and I can practically schedule in my quarter life crisis. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely thrilled with how my life has turned out so far. I am happily married to a man that is so good to me. I have an angel of a baby boy who is growing like a weed and is full of excitement with the world around him. I have cats. Self explanatory. There is just one part of my life that is still undecided and fuzzy. My career.
I am sure I can’t be the only one who is more than a few years out of high school and still undecided on what I want to be when they grow up. My husband has to roll his eyes at me the odd time because every day I have a new idea for the direction my life is going to take. I swear if I followed through with these ideas I would be filthy rich because they are brilliant. If only I wrote them down so I could remember them.
The dilemma I seem to have on my hands is one many can relate to. I have been reading plenty of financial and business books (my husband is probably feeling a tingling sensation as I write this. Nothing makes him happier than being smart about money) and realized I have a choice to do something I love and be content, or else I could do something that makes me rich. I like the sounds of rich but when I ask myself what I truly want and what would make me feel rich, the answer is the happy and content path. It is bad timing for me to finally put my work ducks in a row. I can’t stand the thought of not being home with my baby all day. I will never be ready to leave his squishy, kissable face with a babysitter. I am going to do this though. I have had this fire burning inside me for a while and just need to jump in and stay motivated. Hopefully it turns into something. So don’t mind me as I perfect my:
-Makeup skills
-Nail skills
-Waxing skills
-Airbrush tanning skills
and my photography skills to top it off so that I can document the work I have been meaning to get to. Wish me luck everybody!