Do you ever feel like you are going nonstop, and at the end of the day you feel like you didn’t accomplish anything? Ah, the old teeth grinding question of “what do you do all day?” to a stay at home mom. Warning: Don’t ask moms this or you will get your face punched. A lot of the time I could answer with not much, but I feel like I have been working my ass off all day. Many people, men in particular, don’t understand the amount of time and dedication it takes to give your undivided attention to a little baby who can’t do anything for himself (I am not lumping my husband in with these people. He is very understanding of how much work it is to take care of the babe, bless his soul!).
It was just last night Jeremie said to me “I wish I could live off of three hours of sleep. You would be able to accomplish so much in a day!” Wouldn’t it be handy to have five extra hours at the end of your day to do things you didn’t have time for? His reasons are a bit different than mine. He wants to spend those hour working (he’s a workaholic), and I’m like “how many episodes of The Walking Dead can I fit in that time frame?” Honestly, I am at that point in my “career” where I need that extra time to work as well. Career is in quotations because it doesn’t really exist yet. But I also need those extra hours for ME time. Time to take care of myself, and that means exercise at the moment (I am cringing, I hate exercise).
I am in pole dancing and I absolutely love it. Believe it or not, it is some tough shit. The upper body strength you need to have (that I didn’t have before) is insane! Tonight I am trying Crossfit for the first time. I am terrified. Pole has given me a little bit of strength but otherwise I am a skeleton. Breastfeeding has done this to me because I can’t keep up my calorie intake as fast as I am burning them with breastfeeding (yes mom, if you are reading this, I am admitting it – but I will never admit it in person). Can anybody even tell me what Crossfit consists of? The only reason I want to go is because I heard it requires a lot of squats and I am looking for that big ol’ booty. Wish me luck because I know I am going to need it. Perhaps I will keep you posted if I don’t die on my first day.
A little peek at my sweet pole dancing skills: